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Old 10th December 2007, 18:09
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Ini satu lagi argumentasi seorang Atheist yang gw suka ...

This is my take on religion. Thousands of years ago man began to wonder what the hell was going on. There was so much that they didn't understand that they decided that there must be someone behind the scenes controlling things. Reasonable thing to do if you are a caveman.
I think that most religions are based on the ideas that came out of a lack of understanding. Many of the things that they didn't understand back then have now been explained, but the biggy, "why the hell are we here", hasn't.
So does religion still have a place in the world today? I think that there are many, many people who can't cope with the modern world. Not their fault, the world has changed so quickly recently that people are no longer well adapted for it. For many of these people religion is a major support. And good luck to them. But for me the big question still hangs in the air. Why are we here? Where did everything come from? It seems that many people want to answer this with "God made it all". Now, OK, but that then simply begs the question "and what made God?" To anyone that then gives the answer "that isn't a valid question" or "God has always existed", I say that they are avoiding the question, not answering it. The real answer is that no one knows. So if we are happy to admit that we don't know where we all came from or why we are here, then we also don't need a half answer that God represents. Let's just stick with the fact that we don't know.
However, if there is a god and he (for the sake of syntax not gender preference) wants me to follow his rules then he is going to have to let me know personally and directly. No disrespect to him, but since people are very unreliable I'm sure he won't mind if I choose not to believe any of them that are preaching things that they have no proof of. There are more religions that you can shake a stick at and they all know that they are right. In most cases they preach peace and forgiveness but fight each other and in some cases, fight amongst themselves. Not a good sign if you want my devotion.

Fiuh selesai jg, ada komentar ?

Originally Posted by bamsan View Post
Ini adalah terjemahan bebas dari Posting #1, khusus buat yg males mbaca bhs madura
Many thnx for bamsan ...

Last edited by OffLimit; 18th January 2008 at 20:05..