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Old 20th December 2007, 10:15
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forget_me_not is offline

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Thumbs up .::The Kite Runner - A MUST READ!!!::.

The Kite Runner
By Khaled Hossaini
(**********)10 of 10

Best quote:

“for you, a thousand times over…”

“untukmu, yang keseribu kalinya…”

This is definitely the best novel I’ve ever read!!
I am totally RUN OUT OF WORDS to describe this novel..

This is the first novel that gave me lots of thought.. especially about myself as a human being..

I give you a little bit review to describe it..

This novel tells us about:


Friendship between Amir and Hassan in this story is UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL. I was still amazed with Khaled Khossaini, the author, who seemed to make the reader experienced the full-meaning of their friendship. Tragically, this deep friendship was too late to realize by one of them, causing a NEVER ENDING REGRETS...

I could even only by reading these words “for you, a thousand times over…”


Amir’s family is only his father, Baba, because his mother was passed away when she gave him a birth. Even though he was the only child, Amir hardly feel affection from his father. He seemed to be cold to Amir, while Amir was trying so hard to win his love. Amir often felt jealous when he saw Baba’s affection and care to Hassan, who was only his housemaid’s son.


It was really painful when we, as a bestfriend, couldn’t do ANYTHING for our bestfriend while he/she is being hurt, even though he/she was the ONLY ONE who was willing to do anything for us. Guilty feeling would definitely haunt us forever…

“for you, a thousand times over…”


Everyone could have a dark past. But, no matter how dark it was, the most important thing was how we could learn from the past to pace a better future. Our sin still could be cleaned by doing good things..

“kadang kejadian dalam sehari dapat mengubah keseluruhan jalan hidup seseorang…”

“masih ada jalan untuk menuju kebaikan…”-Rahim Khan-

If people asked whether this story have a SAD or HAPPY ending, honestly I couldn’t answer it…

It is inevitable that this story is totally SAD, maybe more precisely said TRULY BREAKING YOUR HEART, menyesakkan hati… but VERY BEAUUUTIFUL ..

Well, I don’t write bull**** here, if you don’t believe me! At first, I was kinda skeptical by Isabel Allende’s review who said "A wonderful work... This is one of those unforgettable stories that stay with you for years. All the great themes of literature and of life are the fabric of this extraordinary novel: love, honor, guilt, fear redemption...It is so powerful that for a long time everything I read after seemed bland."

And after the moment I read The Kite Runner, I also felt that way… becos’ this novel is TRULY BEYOND EXPECTATIONS…

If you asked me about the MORAL STORY in this novel, it was actually still a lot more to mention… but I think those four touched me the most…

The characters were so REAL, even sometimes I often had a deep thought about them before I went to sleep – Amir, Hassan, Baba, Ali, Sohrab- 1st novel which touched me the most…. I won’t give you any review if this novel is not EXTRAORDINARY

I asked people whether they had read this book… and nobody said YES! HOW COME!!! I can’t wait to discuss it! I could only discuss it with my father, who had read it first…

EXCELLENT… I don’t mind to read it over and over… but I don’t have the time now, becos’ I have obligation on my thesis, hihihi…

SO, PEOPLE… go to your nearest book store and buy “The Kite Runner”

I tell you, YOU WON’T REGRET your decision..
For you who is doing thesis now, please spend just A DAY to read this novel…
It is really WORTH IT…

well, at last, if you like my review please click here

gw bukan agennya QANITA lhooo
cuma gw sukaaa banget jadi ga tahan klo ga bikin review

*ditulis pada 13 Oktober 2006, di tengah masa skripsi yang tak berkesudahan dulu*
diambil dari blog fs gw

Last edited by forget_me_not; 20th December 2007 at 10:24..
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